Learn Explore Apply Foundation

We are a non-profit foundation that promotes and provides awareness of a technology-driven world by enabling playgrounds of opportunities and challenges that is beneficial for our society.

Our vision is to pursue collective gained knowledge in applied AI.

Our mission is to develop a community where forward-thinking individuals and organisations are able to explore and collaborate on impactful projects with focus on AIĀ 

Our Focus

Exciting AI Projects

To involve forward-thinking individuals and organisations in projects with shared interest.

Collective Gained Knowledge

To broaden and share our collective gained knowledge.

Community Growth

To increase our value as a community by encouraging knowledge diversity and continuously expand our interactive network.

Society Contribution

To inspire the interest an to ignite the potential of technological advancement in our society.

The Team

WhatsApp Image 2018-02-05 at 11.23.38 PM

Leke Raifi


Ricardo Abdoel


Saujan Ghimire



Qorin Wu


Victor Muojieje


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